
The AxieTree Epoch

The AxieTree Epoch is a time period during which all Borrowers must meet a certain amount of SLP rewards. The AxieTree Epoch incentivizes proper use of the AxieTree platform, as well as creating new opportunities for the entire Axie ecosystem. Read more here.

Epoch period and SLP requirements

Each AxieTree Epoch in the public beta is a period of 2 weeks.

Initially, the SLP requirements will be set to 1000 SLP per Epoch. Over time, we may change the target SLP per epoch to facilitate a worthwhile borrowing and lending experience and economy.

We will also introduce additional incentives in the future to enable the new Play to Earn model.

Please be aware of the time remaining each Epoch. For example if there are only 5 days remaining in an Epoch, you must borrow and earn 1000 SLP within those 5 days.

Rewards Distribution

At the end of the Epoch, our Epoch Liquidation Engine will distribute the SLP rewards for all borrowers.

For borrowers who have met their SLP requirements, rewards will be distributed and selected Axies will remain in their account (unless the borrower has marked a specific Axie to be returned)

For borrowers who have not met their SLP requirements, all of their borrowed Axies will return to the marketplace.

Last updated