
DISCLAIMER: AxieTree is launching with unaudited code. Please note that participating as a lender puts you at risk of losing your Axies. For now we recommend limiting to lending out 30 Axies at a time

View Lendable Axies

Anyone with Axies in their connected MetaMask address can lend out their Axies. Go to the "Lend" tab on the top left corner and select the "Lendable" tab underneath to view Axies that are available to be lent out.

Select the checkmarks on the top right of each Axie card to edit lending settings

Lending Settings

A lender can choose to lend out their Axies for a % of SLP-revenue fees or ETH for a specified duration

View posted Axies

You can view your posted Axies on the "Posted" tab of the Lending page

By selecting Axies and pressing "Edit Selected", a Lender can edit their lending terms as well as recall the Axie back to their wallet

View lent Axies

You can view your Axies currently being lent out in the "Lending" tab of the Lending page, as well as its earned SLP:

Last updated